
Rose Ndauka

History of the Rose begins on the seventh (7) in the ten (10) in 1989. This is the year to date and the day he was born. Born right here in Tanzania and received his education at the secondary school in Dar es Salaam Zanaki- he finished in 2008.
From when he was very young Rose loved drama. And his talent was discovered by his mother before he himself decided to pursue official on the film industry in the country.

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Rose appeared for the first time in the movie "lieutenants" he yoigiza like "Aisha" in 2007. This film I received a vote as the best film of the year by radio station Clouds FM. After the film was Rose was able to get a chance to act in films including which Mahabuba and the Solemba and his star seemed so much when he was cast in the role film Deception and the late Steven Kanumba as one of the actors heads with Lost Adam yoigiza and bright else bongo movies Jacob steven "JB"
In 2010 Rose Ndauka he opened his own company "Ndauka Entertainment" and also had a chance to act in films involving genocide in Rwanda titled "RWANDA AFTER THE WAR" either (Rwanda BACK U'GENOCIDE) in Rwanda. In the same year his firm chin Rose gave two films "BAD GIRL" and "THE DIARY" that made the market very well. His 
 fans like to call "Rosie" and often has been found "attention" big on press and magazines due to his influence and his beautiful creation.

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